Friday, December 26, 2008

My most favorite

My one of favorite show Dragon Ball -Z .It is awesome .I like the way they generate power , my favorite character is Gokhu , I like the story , I saw Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball-Z and GTA

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tales pin Is also nice television show I like to watch this show adventures , comic, nicely created ..

Legends of feral children, particularly ones in which the part of the foster parent is played by a wolf, go back to antiquity. The most famous ancient one is that of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, but they're common enough for the phrase "raised by wolves", or its equivalent, to have entered many languages as an idiom meaning wild, uncouth, lacking in human sensibilities. Mowgli, the protagonist of most stories collected in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book (1894) and The Second Jungle Book (1895), was raised by wolves, but in a nice way — instead of displaying the dementia and stunted development found in real or suspected feral children, he grew up in an idyllic wilderness wonderland — not entirely devoid of privation and danger, but on the whole pleasant and friendly, with much scope for adventure, humor and other elements of a good story.

My cartoon life

It was started long back , I like cartoons so much , I was enjoying in watching Disney cartoons, My favorite cartoon character couple was Micky & Minnee . initially I was like to watch cartoon movies of goofy , Micky , Donald , Daisy, and lots of ,my tops favorites cartoons show were Duck tales , Disney hour etc.

But I was like Duck tales so much .The release of the week. DUCKTALES ruled daytime television in the late 80s, and deservedly so. This was also the first TV show I ever decided I wanted a library of. I think I got the idea in the letters column of the DUCKTALES comic book at the time. I have stacks of old VHS tapes that this set will be replacing now. Life is good. Tales spin was also nice cartoon show like Duck tales